Websites should have at least 100 unique visitors daily.
Websites should have at least 100 unique visitors daily.
Websites should not contain viruses, malicious programs or be blocked or marked as unreliable by Google, Firefox etc
One page websites are not allowed. They should have multiple pages with content.
Websites should have their own stable traffic sources with at least 30% of search/organic visitors. Redirecting visitors to TrafficMedia ads is forbidden.
Ads should be placed around content or where the visitors expect to see them. Placing ads on blank pages is not allowed.
Incentivizing ad clicks is forbidden.
Hiding ads on the site or tricking visitors into clicking them any other way is forbidden.
You are not allowed to click the ads yourself, use any automated tools to generate ad impressions and clicks or initiate ad redirect without user intent.
Code modification is prohibited, except ad settings provided in the personal area.
Websites promoting cheating, active advertising systems, hacking and other resources of this kind are forbidden.
Ads should be easily identifiable as such by the users; advertising text must be easily readable.
Administration has the right to reject a website without explaining the reason.
Confirming any kind of impression/click fraud, code modification, installation on third-party websites or applications is a reason for an account block with further Publisher revenue refund.
Traffic quality with poor performance and lack of conversions on the Advertising side might lead to revenue decrease or account suspension with an advance notice.
Any changes in reporting or account status will be notified in advance, at least 3 days before.
The network accepts any sites, except those that violate the laws of the country where they are based in and sites that contain content or cause suspicion in the content of child pornography materials, zoophilia.
Advertisers requirements
Ad should be relevant to the selected campaign category.
Ad landing page must be accessible for moderation and be relevant to the campaign category.
Use of obscene language in the text and images is forbidden.
Promoted links should not contain viruses, malicious programs or be blocked or marked as unreliable by Google, Firefox etc.
Advertising links that prevent normal user behaviour are forbidden (blocking content view, multiple redirects etc.). In case of noticing such practices, the advertiser’s account will be suspended.
Landing pages with auto-downloads or auto-redirects to downloading pages are forbidden.
It is forbidden to promote landing pages that violate the laws of the country where they are based in and sites that contain content or cause suspicion in the content of child pornography materials, zoophilia.
All landing pages should have content; blank pages or pages containing only ads will not be approved.
It is forbidden to expose any personal information, such as phone numbers, emails, addresses etc. in the ad text or image
General rules
Account may be suspended with revenue refund if the administration finds anything violating the guidelines above.
Appeals with debatable situations should be forwarded within 30 days after the incident took place. All appeals beyond that - will not be reviewed.
Exceptions are possible and are reviewed manually in individual order.
All financial operations are run according to the reporting and analytics provided by the TrafficMedia platform.